Elsa in an inflatable bouncy deal.
Elsa loves the rides - she went on the swings and Dizzy Dragons 3 times each, not to mention the others. Here she is with Grandpa Barney on Dizzy Dragons.
The swings went so fast! I don't even like those things, but she couldn't get enough.
The pirate ship. I think you can click on the picture to make it bigger. The look on her face is pure joy.
Poor Lila couldn't go on any rides, but we did all get a free train (trolley) ride at the bank. There were also free balloons, free root beer floats - lots of stuff you could get for nothin'. Also, Tim and I commented a few times on how polite and smiley the Carnies were. Top notch.
Oh, and lets not forget the Wild West show. These guys were really into it. Everyone loved it except Lila. The guns were super loud.
Since it's Wyoming Stagecoach days, let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we? You can read more about Wyoming's history here:
I still can't believe they tore down so many historic landmarks. What a shame. I can only pray that in 50 years we still have the mini-mall that houses Tasty Asia and Blockbuster.
Moving on. The leaves are falling and it's getting colder. The kids enjoyed some time playing in the leaves.
Yesterday we went to Pinehaven Farm. Forgot my camera. They were having a deal - $10 for season tickets, which means the month of October. Normally it's $7.50 for each admission. There's so much to do there! We'll easily go back a handful of times before Halloween.
No matter how quiet the kids are after you put them to bed, you never know what you're going to find when you go to check on them at 11 pm. Elsa ripped off her pillowcase, was sleeping with the photo albums from her bookcase, and had the stroller perched on her pillow. When I covered her up, she woke up a bit, and I called her on it. Even in her sleep, she had the most devilishly proud grin.
Last week Tim was working on a project. Project Greenlight? Hmm, maybe Project Green Room. Anyhow, it's meant to be a play room for the whole family.
The backyard shed Before:
It's pretty sweet. Gotta love a guy who has the same dreams of transforming an old shed into a party - ahem, family play room.
In other news... Elsa is still adjusting to Preschool. We have tears on most days, but we talk about it a lot and hopefully it'll get better soon.
Lila can still walk, but prefers not to. After dinner tonight she walked across the kitchen floor about 10 times. We thought, this is it - she's not going to stop! But she always does. She still prefers to crawl most of the time. She talks up a storm and has started saying 2 and 3 word phrases like, Get down, Excuse me (Syoos me), and Bubble Bath. Also, if you say "One", she'll say,"Two, Threeeee!"