After about a minute, I topple over.
That's right, our little baby is 6 months old already. She eats baby food, rice cereal, and tries so hard (without success) to feed herself Cheerios. It's good practice, though. We went to the doctor today for her checkup. Here are her 6 month stats:
Weight: 16 lbs, 2oz. = 51%
Height: 27.4 inches = 94%
Head circ: 17 inches = 71% (Aww, our little melon head!)
To compare: Elsa was 15 lbs, and also 27 inches. Her head was smaller, though.
Lila chillin' down the basement with the Firebirds.
Here are some more ever-popular lookalike photos.
Lookalike #1:
Lila at 6 months.
Elsa at 5 months.
Lookalike #2:
Lila at 6 months.
Elsa at 7 months old.
The kids sitting together, watching some TV.
I looked for more pictures of Elsa, but I don't have any new ones. She's still running from me whenever she sees the camera. What's new with Elsa? Well, she can suddenly tell the difference between her Left and Right. She likes to rhyme and make up words and play pretend. Her favorite toy is still her hippo, named Hippo. If you ask her its full name, she says,"Hippopotamus!" We got her another hippo at Kohl's but the original is still her fav. We asked her it's name and she said,"Sippi". At the time she was looking at her sippy cup, so I said,"Are you sure? What's Sippi's full name?" She looked at me like it was obvious, then said,"Mississippi!" She likes watching DVD's, but only has the attention span for about 1/2 hour. Her current interests include princesses and mermaids, Thomas the Train, and Barney. Potty training is still going well, but I hesitate to say she's potty trained. Last time I said she was, and then she totally regressed. But, i'd say it's been almost a month that she's been in Big Girl underwear, with maybe 1 accident per day if any. Not too shabby. These kids are growing so fast!
They certainly do look alike, wow!
I love the sippi story, so funny!
Mrs. Sippi (it works on so many levels, what a smart girl!)
and that pic of lila looks like she has fire wings! Rad, Dude!!
OMG, I can't believe how much Lila looks like Elsa! Both of them are getting so big! I like how Elsa is getting sassy :) My time will come, I'm sure.
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