Elsa playing with letters in her tutu.
Lately she's back to not wanting to take pictures. So, this photo is simply known as "Elsa". She's really into reading books these days. As in, memorizing the pages word for word. I'll hear her and be so amazed that I say,"Yes Elsa, that's right!" She looks up and glares at me and says,"Not talk about that, Momma!" Like she's embarrassed or something.
This past Tuesday we met our friends for a play date. The kids had a great time. I was mostly thinking of how much fun Elsa would have, but Lila LOVED to be around the other kids! She especially loved Devin, who is only 3 months older than her. Whenever he'd come into view, she'd holler with delight.
Devin, Elsa, and Cael play with cars.
Devin and Lila chew on markers - the latest trend with the under 12-month set.
Lila is already an obviously striking and witty companion.
We have a lot of dolls around here, but Elsa isn't keen to share hers yet, and Lila LOVES baby dolls. I saw this one and thought, woah! That one actually kinda looks like Lila. You see it too, right? So as we were about to leave, Tim said,"Do we really need to get this? They need to learn to share." I said, "Yeah, but look..." and showed the doll to Lila. She kicked her feet and squealed with glee. I have to say I don't think I'd ever seen a guy melt into a puddle before that moment. If it would've cost a million dollars I think Tim would've bought it. Kids and their magical powers.
While eating dinner the other night, Lila started to do her signature "tired" pose. She doesn't suck her thumb anymore - it's her pinkie and ring finger. But she still grabs her fuzzy baby head! It's so cute.
Sometimes she just grabs her head with both hands. Something about this photo cracks me up. Her face looks so huge! It is on the bigger side, but still adorable. We just love that little butterball!
"Yeeeeee!" That's Lila's intense phrase and face. Might be a little more scary with some teeth in those gums, baby!
Your girls are adorable! Love the 2nd to the last pic of Lila...soooooo cute!
agreed, she even has the matching twinkle in her eyes!
such a sweetie!
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