Sunday, April 3, 2011

A trip to the zoo

Last week we met some friends and went to the MN Zoo. I forgot how huge it is compared to Como! It was great to see all the green plants and trees on the tropical trail.
**(I'm not sure why blogger is posting the weird text below - it doesn't show up on my end.)**

Elsa loved the pink flamingos,"Just like in Florida!" she said. She's never been there, but she's heard enough that she loves it there already.

You have no idea how long it took us to get this picture, but here they are: Elsa, Lila, and Cole.

The coolest exhibit had to be the grizzly bears. You can see two in the water and one off to the left. They wrestled and swam and showed off in front of the glass the entire time.

After we saw the bears, Elsa and Cole climbed this rock and roared! We left after about 4 hours, and the kids were asleep in the car in about 5 minutes. :)

Elsa is big into making trails, usually out of books to make a "book sidewalk", but in this case it's a bunch of toys and shoes.

I left the kids a little too long while I was upstairs cleaning, and came downstairs to the strong scent of dry-erase markers! You'd figure they'd wash off easily in the bath, but no.


Anonymous said...

lol, nice censor bar, jessie! HA!

Anonymous said...

fucking stupid bitch you had to cover up the picture! I wanna see pussy!!!