Easter morning.
The day before Easter, Jenny and Shane and Avery stopped over. She's pretty used to getting smothered by the kids - it doesn't even phase her.
The dads were in charge of the egg hunt. Once everyone got the go-ahead, they were off!
Outside finding eggs together. I was impressed with how they shared and helped other kids find eggs.
Grandma hung a bunch of sheets and flowing fabric from the clothesline. It looked cool, and all the kids loved playing with it.
We had pictures taken last weekend for dance class. Here's a preview of their recital costumes.
Ah, ye olde homestead. We can't wait until it warms up a bit so we can plant the lawn! There are trees to cut and clear, wood to stack, retaining walls that need building, and the house needs to get painted. I look forward to posting before/after photos of everything we get accomplished this summer.
Lila is getting more and more into coloring and is good at staying in the lines.
March 17th, 7:33 p.m. It's about 70 degrees outside and the kids are comfortably watching the moon rise in their summer pj's from the front porch!
yay cute pics. so excited for the summer!
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