Sunday, August 10, 2008

All about Lila

I realized while uploading all my recent photos that I haven't taken any of Elsa lately! That's a first. So, this post will be all about Lila. Elsa, your 15 minutes of fame are over! Ha ha.

Lila in her new bouncy chair at Grandma and Grandma E's house. Grandma got it at a garage sale and we realized later the design is by John Lennon. Score.

Here she is passed out in the arms of Grandpa...

and with Daddy.

We went to the chiropractor and it helped a lot the first couple days. She slept for a 6 hour stretch the first night! But now we seem to be back to the same old, same old. We're going back two more times and i'm feeling optimistic.

I don't think amateur photography does an infant justice - they look better in action. Drum roll please... Lila's video debut!
Playing on her play mat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY video!
oooh, and the blogging community really wants to see an elsa/lila equal age photo comparison please!