Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lila's Birthday, Summer Adventures, and a New Princess Is Crowned...

I've been so awful about updating, but who wants to be on the computer during these beautiful summer days?

On July 2, Lila turned 3! We started the day with a traditional birthday pancake, gift opening, and photos.

The rest of the day we had a pool party at my parents house. The weather was perfect.

Lila was very happy to get the Sleeping Beauty/Castle cake she wanted! Instead of getting complicated, I bought the toys at the thrift store, washed them in the dishwasher, and put them on top. Voila!

She also got something she wasn't expecting - a super cool new Barbie bike!

Today we went to the Rush City water park. We'd never been there before and I'm kicking myself for it! It was very fun and relaxing, the kind of place I could go nearly every nice summer day. They had a great shallow place for little kids to play, life guards, nice warm water, snacks, everything. Elsa even went to the deep end and slid down the big water slide about 8 times. Lila went once but didn't like getting splashed in the face with water at the bottom.

Elsa and Allie going down the big waterslide.

A sneak peek at the progress on the house.

Reading books in the summer sun always requires a parasol.

Elsa is awesome at riding her bike. Last summer it was slow going, but this summer she flies way ahead of us on the roads and trails. She always stops at intersections and stop signs. And yes, we accidentally forgot her helmet.

Quiz time. The Princess on the left is Snow White, of course. And the Princess on the right? That's the newest, most popular, and definitely most handicapped Princess of all around here: Mascillabob! I have no idea where they come up with these names.

Lila sometimes likes to style her own hair.

Summer Sisters.


Anonymous said...

that's so hot you basically see her pussy. teach her well mommy little blonde girlies get fucked the easiest

Anonymous said...

Omg her little body is so sexy. I want to fuck her so bad