Thursday, June 14, 2012

I know, lots of posts lately! That's summer for you. It's especially exciting and note-worthy being in the new house. Not to mention, this is probably the last summer/month/week/who knows, that I'll be home with the kids, so I'm taking lots of pictures.

We finally got the kids swing set over here from the other house. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Rieck! The girls missed it, and absolutely love being able to play on it again.
Lila: Woah, one handed! Woooaah! This is the first year she's wanted to go on a big-girl swing. She's slowly working on pumping her legs.
Seriously, look at this kid. She always takes the most gorgeous pictures when she's on the swings.

Check it out: a bird made a nest with 5 little eggs in my hanging basket! I don't know what kind of bird it is, but it'll be fun to get a chance to show the kids the babies when they hatch.

Love. I found the kids on my bed watching The Wizard of Oz, like this:

Turned the corner the other day and found this. I knew they were playing, but had no idea they were making such a mess... or that we had so many Barbies! We're apparently short on clothing, though.
Today I promised the kids a picnic at the park, but because of the rain we had a picnic on the floor instead. They liked it just as much, and after, we went and saw Madagascar 3 at the theater. They ate an entire bag of popcorn! I've never taken them to a movie by myself before. They're at a good age, so it worked out well and was really fun.

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