Monday, November 24, 2008

jump around

The only piece of baby equipment we've ever been without is a jumper. Elsa was always so content to simply sit and observe; she was practically sitting alone by the time she was 4 months old. Lila can't sit still. I try to make her sit and she flies backward, forward, sideways! I finally bit the bullet and bought a Jumperoo off Craigslist. She loves it. Here's some video. Note that her tongue is always out, like a little puppy. Maybe a teething thing?

Ahhh, yes. A sign of what's to come, minus the,"Mah-om! Elsa's using me as a hat rack again!".

Sleeping babies are my favorite kind.

Elsa knows the camera, and therefore knows it's more fun to run from it. I got her! Our holiday photo shoot should be interesting.

Lila has been playing with her feet for months, but finally - just today - started chomping on them. It's funny to watch her get her hand in there and get her thumb and toes confused for a minute.

The sisters. Now more than ever, when I look at pictures of them together at this age I can barely tell them apart. I'd better get this stuff marked so I know what's up when I'm 80.


Krista said...

Your girls are just beautiful! I love the video, she is quite the mover.

FEZ BEAR said...

I say Elsa is starting to look more and more like you. I talked to Quiggs last week and she utterly agrees.

Anonymous said...

also agree, but with tims bright eyes, lucky girl. :)

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